mobMMS update blog

Just a blog for keeping users of up to date with all the latest news and changes.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Serious news time folks

As you might've noticed, mobMMS is free to use, had no ads or sponsors, and therefore makes no income, which would be fine except the costs of keeping the site up and running are spiralling up each month which is making my bank balance look rather worrying!

I've been trying to think of ways to keep the site as it is, but to somehow try and get some ££ back to cover these costs.

We had been relying on mobMMS's big brother site to pay for its running (, but alas, due to reasons I won't go into here, it's currently doing ringtones free of charge too, leaving zero income but huge bills still! :-(

Obviously I can't keep it running this way as a negative bank balance won't keep a site up, so I've come up with the following possible solutions:

  1. charge for a WAP site
    eg charge something like £1 (or equivalent amount in different countries, ~$2/€1.5) a month for access to the full downloads of vids and images

  2. subscription fee
    maybe a small subscription fee for members who will get benefits non-paying members don't.

  3. pay per download, sender gets %age
    But, I quite like the idea of setting up a wap site where people pay per download, but the sender of the image/video gets a percentage of the amount charged too, and that's what I think I’m going to try and set up. So the more people upload, the more money they'll make themselves! ...Although I'll need hundreds of people to do so in order to cover the server costs! But at least the community will be getting back what they put in as well, whilst hopefully allowing us to cover the costs of keeping running!

Still trying to decide about the above, so now's your chance to give your views/feedback/suggestions/ideas/etc before it's too late and I start work on one of the above!!


  • At 11:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, well I think that what ever you do it will be worthwhile in the end, as we have a really nice bunch of people on he, lovely comments are always left and i enjoy posting my pics on here and would def become a member to help the cause xx Goatess

  • At 5:35 pm, Blogger mobMMS said…

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, Goatess :-)

  • At 10:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, agree with Goatess - I'd happily pay to access adult side on wap as I mostly use my mobile to post pics and comments. Go for it Aleco!
    BTW, I think you should make this news/blog link far more prominent on ALL Mobmms pages, and perhaps set up threads on various themes . . . do we get paid for ideas?! LOL! Sarahb36

  • At 10:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    not sure anyone posts pics to make money, and thats probably a good thing, and if someone has to pay to download a pic dont they then get some rights to use them?? tricky legal situation I suspect for the likes of Tess!!
    I always think simplicity is the key - flat fee per member every month, everyone knows where they stand and the kids from mobog may have trouble borrowing mums credit card too!

  • At 10:57 pm, Blogger mobMMS said…

    ahh yes, I guess if you just charge for accessing the site it's less bother about the images as you won't be "buying" them. It would be good to give back to the community though, but I guess if the site goes down due to massive fees then there won't be one to give back to!! Plus it'd be a small miracle if half the server fees were covered I guess anyway!

    Also if there was a network error during the download or something it'd be a real pain to try and sort out without charging the user twice.

    I could try and think of some extras to give on the main site for supporters to the site too as an added bonus which all the abusive posters and the like from other less savory sites wouldn't get :)

    Good feedback and ideas so far - keep them coming as I probably would have gone down the pay per video route otherwise!

    And I think you're right sarahb36, i do need to make this place a bit more obvious from the main site!

  • At 9:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How about setting up a Paypal link folks can donate to - don't know how far in the red you go each month but this may help stave of charging a monthly fee ( which may be inevitable any way )

  • At 11:55 pm, Blogger mobMMS said…

    We'd wondered about a PayPal donate button, but we've offered a free Nokia service for quite some time now ( with a donate button on and only received about £3.30! :-(

  • At 12:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How about charging for full membership to our mobile phones. We text for a passcode and it gives us membership for 3 months and charges it to our phone bill. I don't wish to advertise another site on here but use the system with good effect.

  • At 3:29 pm, Blogger mobMMS said…

    Thanks for the link, always good to see how others have done something like this.

    Luckily I've already got the stuff necessary for mobile billing and will definitely be using it for the subscription.

    UK users will be able to text in, but users abroad will have to use Bango (which is probably just as easy as you just visit a certain page on your phone and it gives you a list of ways to pay).

    I'm just putting some finishing touches to some others bits on the site and will start work on the wap site - keep your eyes peeled for an update!

  • At 6:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    some good ideas here, i like the one about paying per download but like you said, it could cause some probs on the legal side, maybe if you just did it for the vid's or something?

    flirty x


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