mobMMS update blog

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

beta feature - selective privacy

Ok before I start this is a beta feature and may start/stop working at any point, or be removed completely! However, testing and feedback would be very useful!

We've done some closed-beta testing and it seems to be working fine, so I've decided to unleash it for wider testing.

Basically, if you send in or set an image of your own as private, you can now allow certain users you choose to be allowed access and see to this private image/video, whilst everyone else still can't see it/access it. This is set on an image-by-image basis. The option to view all private images/vids will be added at a later date.

As it's still in beta, you can only add users to the allow list by entering in their user/album id.
new user access panel

To find out their userid, just visit their profile. There'll be a new line under the link to their album which states their user ID.
user ID pic

Just copy this number into the box in the new user access panel and press "submit".
entering user ID

You should now see their name under the "Users allowed:" bit, and they will have access to your private image.
access allowed to user

To remove a user from your allow list, just press the remove user icon next to their username in the list and their access will be removed instantly!

Please let me know what you think of it, any bugs, any improvements, etc. etc. in the comments section here please :-)


  • At 1:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a brilliant development... just hope people notice it exists and use the fruits of your hard work... that creepy enough?? nipp

  • At 11:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think its a fab idea aleco :D x x

  • At 11:11 pm, Blogger mobMMS said…

    lol that's nearly creepy enough, Nipp...I can stand a bit more though! ;-)

    Glad you like it, Miss-F! :-)

  • At 4:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think miss flirt hot x


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